Thursday, November 17, 2011

Montoursville vs. Mountville

The 2 words in the title of this post are clearly very different- but they certainly seem similar, right?! I wasn't going to put this one out there, but sacrificing my own dignity I've decided to share this now that I can laugh about it. On a business trip down to PA this week, I had a meeting in MONTOURSVILLE. Starbucks in hand and ready for the trip, I brought along printed directions with me...just in case. Plugging what I thought was the same address into the GPS, I was on my way. About 30 minutes before meeting time, I began to realize that the printed version and the GPS had 2 very different street names and directions. Upon back tracking the GPS I came to realize I had selected Mountville as my city destination- not Montoursville!! More great news- they are 3 HOURS apart from each other (who the hell knew the state of PA was so large?!). Needless to say, that meeting became a conference call in the car as I sat in a run down gas station parking lot in Lancaster, PA discussing iPad rates and positioning (have I mentioned that I love sales?). Besides this ridiculous story, there is a point here. After my call, I had the chance to 'parooz' around Lancaster before another meeting. Obviously, the culture is very different than it is here in NYC (though they do still have 'Occupy Lancaster' including about 4 tents). But, it got me thinking- why is it that when city types head to more rural areas they tend to automatically assume that their lifestyle is superior to those living outside the city? I for one, tend to wonder if maybe their lifestyle choice may be better than ours. Sure, rural types may not have the opportunity to eat at new trendy restaurants or shop in Soho all the time but from my observations, they seem to have more genuine time to give to others. Maybe because they aren't so stressed over the calories in a soy latte- it seems as though rural folk are able to take the time to have a real conversation. And in that case- do we as New Yorker's just act the way we do because everyone perceives us that way? You all know I love my city and everything it has to offer- all I am saying is sometimes its nice to head to the outskirts and get a glimpse- or maybe enjoy my soy latte- over some genuine conversation :)
xoxo AA

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