Tuesday, March 22, 2016

New Friends, Old City

Isn't it funny when you meet new people who are from the same city you once were that they instantly make you feel like home again? Last week I had the opportunity to meet a coworker who I've been working with for over a year now but had not actually spent any time with in person. We met for dinner - me, her, her bf, and my new sidekick puppy. It was as if we had known each other for years and immediately stepped into friendship. The best part was, my new "long lost" friend and her boo were from my old hood - NYC. And sitting and enjoying a meal with some NY-ers was just so God damn good, there are no words. It was like a breath of fresh polluted air, complete an imaginary scent of freshly urinated city blocks. It dawned on me - when we spend time with people who are where you come from makes it makes us feel rooted, grounded, and most of all...at home. Coming back to these people, even if they are new to our lives - it feels like they know us. We are in good company and being with these people who just seem to get us and what we are about - reminds us what we were made of. We all know at this point I'm a Cali convert - dog, "bummer" phrase, yoga teacher, and all and so of course I'm hoping to convert my long lost friend and her boo as well. But for now, I'm just glad a little bit of old NYC crossed my path. San Diego has my life, but NYC and its peeps will always have my heart.
- AM