Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lights, Turf, and a few models

Hello again,

I must share the experience I had out with my friend Mike on Tuesday evening (June 29th). He is a great guy and we always have a great time together- and he knows of some of the coolest places in town to go!
We ended up over in meat packing at the Standard hotel. Going up the elevators, we watched as the 2 screens on either side of us showed some sort of alternate world, with moving photos of Michael Jackson, the Rockettes, and a variety of other creatures all set on a fantasy background that looked something like the forest and dwelling for fairies. The elevator got off at the top floor- where the bar called the Boom Boom room is located. Mike and I have been there before- again, another exclusive part of the hotel that we somehow snuck our way into. It has a beautiful panoramic view of die for!
This night in particular, we wanted to go higher. After a quick conversation with the model turned hostess for the night, we were on our way up a set of stairs to the roof. On the way, we saw another room complete with a bar and a hot tub and similar views to the Boom Boom room.
The stairwell itself was eye catching, with glittered handrails and spray paint artwork all over the walls. At the top of the stairs...a vending machine- with bathing suits! Just in case you decide to take a dip into the hot tub on the way back down. :)
Once the door opened at the top- I felt like I was in another world. Turf grass, glass walls, and male waiters in bathing suits with their female counterparts in tennis outfits. The view was surreal- we were right over the Hudson with all of NYC to the left and NJ to the right. Unbelievably captivating...
We sat down on a few lawn chairs- swanky of course, and just watched the crowd for a moment.
It was comprised of mostly European types (seeing as this area was supposed to be exclusive for hotel guests) chatting with friends through cigarette smoke with a drink in hand. Most of them were seen lounging on giant out down couches, laughing and conversing in some unknown tongue.
We ordered a few drinks and watched as the skies went dark- and the buildings around us lit up. It was a truly magical site.
With hunger tugging us away- we finally decided to grab a bite.
We went to a restaurant down the road that used to be the Lotus lounge but I believe is has changed names now. For reference, it is right next to Son Cubano.
Let me just do a brief run down of what we ate and try not to salivate on to my laptop:
Raw oysters
Prosciutto with ricotta and melon
Raw yellowfin tuna with couscous and a pesto drizzle
French toast bread pudding
...naturally right after we finished this marathon meal, a fashion show must have gotten out because 10-15 models started shuffling into the restaurant.
Feeling pretty guilty at this point, I began to regret my large meal just a little bit.
But when I saw them sit to eat, literal plates of undressed lettuce leaves, I got to thinking...was my enjoyment of this food better than their satisfaction of unrealistic levels of beauty?
I'll take another order of the French bread pudding please- and make sure it has a dollop of whipped cream!

Great evening in my big city :)