Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This post was originally supposed to begin with my Easter weekend but I just had a breakthrough. It will be explained at the end of the post- but I am literally so excited I had to spoil the surprise. At this point in my 20-something life, I have had a myriad of religious experiences. Reason being is that officially one year ago I joined the Christian faith (yaya!). Raised as a traditional Catholic school girl- my family still remains within the Roman Catholic community (with a few falling by the agnostic way side). Somewhere in between last year I was on a journey to find my faith- visiting everything from Catholic, Christian, Southern-something-or-other, and every thing in between. This year, more settled into my Christian faith, I still found it was as important to me as it was to my grandmother that we attend Easter service together. So I made a point to spend Good Friday worship at my church with a good friend from home. Clearly there were vast differences between the 2 services but there were a few key things I experienced worth noting. On Friday night I was filled with hope and joy as we celebrated the death and what would be the eventual rising of Jesus in saving us from our sins. Religious or not- I was so relieved to hear from our pastor that we would be taking communion together as a family from our seats. No one perceived as higher up or more 'close to God' would be handing it to us from a Chalice (Catholic church's new phrase- similar to the Stella commercials?), but that we were a family-united in faith, and consuming together. Something that even some biologically related families may not experience together because they don't sit down to enjoy dinner as a family on a regular basis- something even I have seen. Come Sunday, the tides had turned...The Priest immediately began with phrases such as 'The Lord has struck his power, be prepared' and 'Friday was the worst day in Christian history,' and a repetitive favorite 'If you don't believe this, you are not a Christian.' At one point, we were told to get our $$ ready for the collection, but given no reason why. And finally when children (still children of God mind you) were screaming and crying in discomfort from the back pews, the priest actually yelled out 'Pay attention to me!' With shock and aw I realized I was a Christian at heart, and not the type he was describing. I realized that no 2 people are alike in belief and thought, but that in the end, if you do believe in something- God (or whatever you call it) will come to you. Sometimes it can be in the most odd of ways (such as a re-awakening in the mass of another church) or as you are taking the subway into work. The real breakthrough here: a close friend who told me today that she finally realized if she showed God she cared, He might show her He cares too and that she felt like He had finally given her a second change. Sitting here in near tears (yes people I'm at work, and yes I am going to be stepping out for lunch shortly to pull it together)- I am so grateful at how good God's work is- he has now affected my life in ways I never imagined, and continues to affect the lives of others. I could not be more grateful- and in the words of my new personal anthem: "too many sunsets, I haven't seen yet." :)
- xoxo AA

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