Thursday, March 29, 2012


I have another post currently in the works but need to give it more time in the cooker- it covers some great experiences I had last weekend and will be up shortly :) Until that time, I had to get a quick note out that has been on my mind all week: WWUD- "What Would You Do?" Earlier, and probably on more than 1 occasion, I have discussed the ever-present battle between doing the 'right thing' and the reaction it may cause. This is something that me and I am sure many other people struggle with because doing what you believe to be the 'right thing' does not always lend itself to a favorable response from those around you (and I am not even getting into the discussion of what the hell is actually the right thing). There have been many situations where I thought I did the honest good deed and found that I not only was getting slack for it but that I did not receive the same treatment in return. Either way, I have made a point to keep pushing forward and try to do good no matter the situation (I know I am a human and I am not perfect but I try pretty damn hard day in and day out). This week- I had a HOLY CRAP moment. Months ago, I did something for a friend that was not asked of me but I knew was right. When a similar situation arose, this friend did NOT act as I did and instead reaped their own benefits from the circumstances. Confused and disappointed, I moved on still knowing what I did was right. But I always wondered why this situation happened and what it all meant. This week, that same friend, did something nice for someone else (a complete stranger) without being asked to do so. In fact, the option was available to this friend to reap their own benefits from the situation, but they instead 'paid it forward.' I finally realized the result of my good deed- in enabled my friend to pass along a good deed to someone else. So no matter what the situation, or what the plausible outcome may be- try to keep pressing forward. Days, months, or years down the line you will see how your actions may positively affect another's and in-turn offer something great for a person you may not even know! Consider this: every time you think no one is watching or listening, they are. And imagine if one of those people is a young, impressionable person who views you as their mentor. Would you want to be the reason they thought it was OK to not care about others? Whatever you do, do it with all your heart :)
xoxo AA

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