Friday, July 15, 2016

All the Feels

This really awesome moment happened after 1 of my yoga classes yesterday. I always let people into my class late because really I don't care and also how frustrating is it when you hustle to get to class to then be turned away? Anyways, the student I let into class late came up to me after for a chat. I had met her the day before - she was getting back into yoga for the first time in years and I was happy to see her back at it again/good to know I didn't scare her away. She said she had something to tell me. She shared that she had finalized her divorce that day and though she felt confident in her heart it was the right thing to do, she was still was having a rough day. She thanked me for letting her into class - saying that is changed the tune of her day and she was so appreciative. I responded with thank you so much an gave her a hug (my usual). But then she said something that got me crying (naturally)- she said "no, I really want you to understand you have an impact on people. What you do - it really helps people." Cue all the feels - how lovely is this woman? Not only was I so happy to be able to help with a glimmer of happiness in her day, but it also made me feel like I had (good) fireworks going off inside of me. For the next few months, we made the choice for me to work full time at the yoga studio before we move to Guam. That was not an easy decision initially, but after much debating - it became the only natural decision and next step for me. I've felt so free ever since we made the choice - but to have this student share her sweet words with me was a culmination of everything I felt about this big shift. Interactions like with her were the EXACT reason I dove heart and soul into this adventure. It's insanely cool to be in a place (to quote my girl Gretchen Rubin from The Happiness Project) where I can say "I am lucky to be as eager for Monday mornings as I am for Friday afternoons."
- AM

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