Friday, February 26, 2016

Make-shift Love Languages

Sometimes when the person you love - you're better half, your soulmate - isn't physically present or can't be emotionally present you have to call on reinforcements to love. My hubby's love language is physical touch and mine quality time. The 2 worst love languages for couples who experience deployment - go figure! Fear not gentle people of the world, we got this. For me, writing this - expressing how I feel about it in hopes that the hubs reads (yaya shout out if your eyes are on this Hubs!) is a way to temporarily fulfill my love language of quality time. It fills up my love tank to know my hubs is caught up on all my thoughts, feels, and inner deep emotions. And trust me...there are a lot of those! Thank God the internet. Any who - how am I speaking his love language while he's gone? Photos! Keep your minds out of the gutter dear readers (only temporarily of course). Sending hubby photos and videos of me, the pup, our daily life, and sometimes furry challenges together - makes him feel like he's physically included. I get to fill his love tank by just sharing images and clips of our life back at home until he returns. So for me - I need to commit to something else here. With literal physical touch and quality time I need to give myself a task. I'm a process oriented, scheduled, type A kind of gal for whom structure provides comfort. So in lieu of the other love languages, I'd like to pull on acts of service and gifts (love languages that didn't pop for either of us on the quiz). Daily, I'd like to DO something for Drew. Anything big or small - send a care package, listen to a vent sesh, or put together a photo book (a pic of me and the pup a day so he can track growth). That way, I'll feel like we are still connected but in new ways. I'm more of an accountability gal hence why I'm sharing my commitments in writing - that way you can keep me to them. :)
Until next time! xoxo
- AM

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