Hey there world- it has been a while and I hope you've been well. In the past few weeks I have been exposed to and gone through what I consider to be some pretty awesome life challenges both with others and on my own. Since that time, I have let all of my thoughts boil and of course wanted to share.
Through each challenge I have seen some very similar main themes. Firstly, when presented with a challenge, we are most likely going to have to push ourselves into a zone where we feel least comfortable. For some reason, in our culture, giving up our comfort seems to be one of the least desirable things of all. Oddly enough, it is during that moment of discomfort, that horrible feeling where we just want to throw the towel in and quit- where all the work is done. Once we experience the discomfort and somehow manage to pull ourselves through it, we have grown. Looking back at it, it doesn't seem all that awful and we are confident that a new challenge won't seem as daunting. All of the work has now been done because we forced ourselves through it. Another common theme I have noticed with each challenge is passion and heart. The minute we don't have the heart or passion for something, the farther and farther we are from attaining any sort of goals. But, when we drive through the challenge with a passionate heart for what we are doing, there is no choice but to succeed- and all other options and unfathomable. Attitude was another common theme I've noticed in each of the challenges I experienced. Coming from an attitude of success, an "I deserve to succeed" stance on life will so much more enable us to achieve our goals. When we come from a place of failure, fearing the what-ifs and worse case scenarios, we are setting ourselves up for the 1 thing we are trying most to avoid. Knowing that we deserve the success and coming from that place in our attitude through everything we do, enables us to show up already expecting to succeed. And finally- giving up the control. This has been a HUGE lesson for me- but one that has really helped me in my daily life- with of course continually daily reminders. We can try with all of our might to push through the uncomfortable zone, have a passionate heart, and show up with an attitude of success (and though I believe all of these to be key components in overcoming any challenge) at the end of the day, the control is out of our hands. If we get hurt, if we slip, if we fail, or mess up- we ultimately have no control over these unforseen circumstances. So, the moment at which we are able to fully accept this- and charge forward with full confidence- saying to the universe (or whatever God you follow) "This one's for you- I 'm not taking the control on this one" we are able to remain focused and continue on full forced.
I hope all of these challenge lessons are able to help you in your daily life as much as they have helped me :) Challenge, though unpleasant in certain times, can be one of those life experiences that not only change our lives, but can make us grow into the bigger and better things life has waiting for us :)
xoxo AA
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