Mainly that's because he realized the girls were going to start ganging up on him and his sarcasm. Oddly enough, after spending 6 hours together in the bare, windowless, tiny bathroom- we all somehow bonded. Sharing unique personal stories about one another's lives, we began to have a better understanding of each other, and for me, a better understanding of how humans work. Why they do what they do- the common trend with this group was doing things out of love. Which brings me to Mr Langly- the homeowner. A Navy Vet, he was a Seabee on the 1st ship to make it down one of Australia's largest canals. The Seabees are the US Navy construction forces who open and maintain bases that allow combat soldiers to be successfully housed and fed during wars. Mr Langley was active duty for a few years and then in the reserves for the remainder of his 30 years in the Navy. He spent most of his adult career working for the San Diego electric company, and even spent a brief stint of his career in highway patrol. Married once, then divorced, he found himself living along in a home that need a lot of garden/lawn maintenance but little money or time to do it. His new neighbors, who had just moved to San Diego, were looking for work and luckily hooked up with Mr Langley. 1 day, the neighbor's daughter came over, asking if she could work on Mr Langley's garden in the front yard. He explained to the woman that he had no more money to pay for the maintenance, and she offered to do it for free. Days later, the woman came back, with her cousin, asking if she could work for free on Mr Langley's rose in the front yard. He of course obliged and the roses began looking beautiful in his front yard. Curious, Mr Langley went out front one day to meet this mysterious woman that had so tenderly cared for his beautiful roses...and that was it. The 2 started dating and were married shortly thereafter. Now, with children (3 of which still in live in their home with them) they were a big happy family. Or so it appeared. Mr Langley shared the many struggles he and his family had faced- from serious health issues to finance and housing for their children, now grandchildren, and mother from Mexico (who was at least 95 and spoke very little English)- they had been through it all. But somehow, seemed to have it all. Mr Langley continued to explain how grateful he was for everything he had in his life. To an outsider, it might seem like he had very little, or just a ton of strife. But in fact, this man had everything- because he was grateful for the one thing he believed God had given him. And that was just the life he had with his beautiful life. To see an elderly man portray such an attitude of grace and presence was truly inspiring to me. As I slipped away from our conversation to finish my wall in the bathroom, I continued to place each stroke of drywall with love and sincere appreciation. I knew that even this small task could effect the strength and hold of the bathroom walls. Those walls, were in Mr Langley's home- something he was so grateful for. And I didn't want to let him down. I knew this bathroom would serve his family in some context for years to come- and even this small thing, was something that he was so grateful for- so I had to make sure they were perfect :) With all of this said, drywalling (though an extremely useful skill) was not the greatest thing I learned stepping away from the day. It was a lesson in gratitude. It was how someone who on the surface seems to have nothing, had it all. Because of his attitude of grace, Mr Langley was able to share his life in such a compassionate way with me that I was truly moved. I am so blessed to have had this experience and plan to stay in contact with this amazing man :)
xoxo AA
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