This past week, I was lucky enough to be apart of a team building/bonding experience that enhanced my world and altered my perspective. After motivating meetings and speeches throughout the day at a work conference, we all knew what was coming that evening: Fire Walking. Our expertly trained Fire Walker also happened to be a motivational speaker, originator from South Africa, and former Military Special Forces member. With a lot of value to share, and little to be bashful of...we knew we were in for a treat. We all headed out to the beach around 7PM and were met with the scene of firemen taking hot coals from laying them along 2 grassy lanes, spanning about 8 feet long each. Our motivator explained to us that if we used his technique, we should have great success and no issues walking across the fire. Channeling our inner focus, we were told to confidently and briskly walk across the fire shouting "cold ice, cold ice, cold ice." This tactic would keep our focus and keep us moving. Considering backing out a few times, it was finally my turn to step up to the plate. The motivator's female helper asked me if I was ready to which I replied "I'm not sure; I'm scared." She grabbed me by the shoulders, looked me directly in the eye and said "I believe in you and I know you can do this." That was all I needed. I was on my way and 6 steps later, greeted with a bucket of icy cold water, and it was over. I made it! And then the thoughts started rolling.
If this 1 woman, who I had never met before, told me she believed in me and that I could do it...and I BELIEVED HER...why is it sometimes so hard for us to say this to ourselves AND believe it? It was as if some sort of divine intervention was shouting at me in the face "you've got this, and I've been trying to tell you this along." My friends said that I apparently ran across the coals. The craziest thing is that I only remember that 6th step, and that my focus was so high, I completely blocked out the world around me, and all of the 1st 5 steps down the firey coals. I am sure that you're wondering if the coals were hot (totally not the point here, I'll tell you anyways- but pay attention!)...they were, extremely hot. But when forced with a challenge of mind over matter, when we let our bodies do the work for us, they do, and they do a great job. After I cooled my feet down in some ocean water my mind was scrambling: "If I can accomplish this, what else can I do?" It is amazing how 1 experience, which you thought you might not ever be able to accomplish or have the opportunity to try...can change your whole thought process. Things that once seem to be difficult now just seem like another great challenge. And you begin to think, if I can walk on fire, that other stuff can't be too difficult.
This experience also led me to another great realization. Many times, we play experiences or situations out in our minds to be miserable, difficult, or awful. But it is our perception of these experiences/situations that we've actually never been through, that are usually more difficult than actually going through them. Here is a perfect example: we may build up in our minds the 1st day of a new job to be scary, awkward, and maybe even awful. Thinking about this, going through the possible scenarios in our mind, and worrying about it feels terrible. But the next day, once we have accomplished that small feat we never thought to be possible, it some how seems so much easier than we initially perceived it to be. So what is my point in all of this, and the thing that has really helped and changed my life? Let the "big, scary thing" happen. Go through it and fully feel all of the emotions associated with it. Not only do I promise you that you will make it through, but that it won't be as bad as you thought it was going to be, and that it can be life changing.
Remember, "We can't choose our obstacles, but we can choose what we do with them." :)
xoxo AA
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