This past sunny Saturday a certain feline friend and myself (again, she's a real person, not an animal- we've been over this) decided to embark on the 5 borough tour. Thanks to TONY (Time Out New York) we had a strict list with stops, directions, and suggestions. The day started a little wobbly as plans got shifted around a bit. We checked Manhattan off the list immediately because we are lucky enough to gallivant through that borough on a daily basis. 1st stop- Staten Island. Not a place I've ever been before, and if we are going to frank, not a place I had been dying to go to thanks to some of the delinquents portrayal of life on the island in their performance on the hit show, The Jersey Shore. BOY WAS I WRONG- after a quick (and free!) ride over, we got off to what seemed to be a beautifully untaped and most serine part of NY. As we walked along the historic district of St. George, I noticed that I could actually hear my own thoughts and went a whole block's length without seeing another person in sight! It was a truly a moment of quietness I think we both needed. As we hopped back on the ferry, hunger overcame as usual and instead of hitting up the Bronx, Queens (which had already sort of slid off the list because I am there many weekends to see my grandmother) and Brooklyn- we hit up our favorite Manhattan Mexican restaurant for some staple tacos and beer. Later in the evening, I unexpectedly met up with some close friends that I hadn't seen in quite some time. As I headed home around 12AM the day started making sense to me. As an excessive planner, I came to my senses and realized that sometimes the best days are those that are unplanned. Sure we didn't 'reach our goal' of making it to all 5 boroughs in one day, but we got to spend some quality time with some quality people. Since that sunny Saturday, I have started making a conscious effort to plan less- even down to my walk to work. Taking the road sometimes untraveled can open up new doors and new opportunities. Or at least provide you with a change of scenery and an altered perspective :)
xoxo AA
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