I have always found that being friends/spending time with the men is generally easier than doing such with their female counterparts. Recently, I started to realize that men and women are so different from one another mainly because of the way in which they communicate and process thoughts. This past weekend/week I was a lucky gal in that my man in uniform ;) and then my little brother came to visit! Maybe it is because he is younger and of the male species, but just spending time with my brother, I was able to see how much more carefree and SOMETIMES more logical (gotta keep those pride enhancing comments spread out) his approach was to inter-family affairs and situations. From the male perspective, conflict offers a challenge to most, so it seems to me that men remove emotions from a situation to reach the main goal, which is to solve the problem. After a night of emotionless problem solving and white kid jamming out at the Wiz and Snoops concert- my brother and I shared McDonald's at 1:00 AM on a Monday night- worry free. In regards to my visit with my man in uniform, I like to keep most of those details off the blog and to myself- but for the purposes of this post- all you need to know is that if you put the 2 of us in a white room with nothing- we would enjoy endless carefree fun just being around one other. And yes folks, I have yet another relevant cab driver experience that speaks to my point here (I'm sorry these guys are teaching me a lot!!). As I hoped in a cab after another coffee drop to a few "needle-in-a-haystack" clients my male driver offered me a new perspective on attitude. Per the usual and without even realizing, I so rudely shouted my desired destination to which he replied "hello ma'am, how are you doing today?" I instantly stopped myself and explained to the cabbie that I was so used to the angry rushed drivers of NYC that I just unfairly assumed he was one of them. He went on to tell me that many of the drivers express such an attitude because of how hard NYC traffic cops have come down on cabbies during the holiday season. But he said regardless of it all, he was happy to be healthy, alive, and have a job. The point in all of this is that after some of my experiences with the men this week- I think us ladies can all learn a little something. Taking your emotion out of a situation and utilizing logic, being grateful and unassuming about even the smallest things, and just have a damn good time in general- can make life all the more fun, and maybe even a little more stress free ;)
xoxo AA
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