I taught my yoga classes this week around the idea of choice. It was such a powerful concept to me and one that is so close to home that I had to share!
Our day, what we make of it, our attitudes, our lives, and the way we live them is all up to us. We have a choice. And each time we choose - negative or positive. Kind or cutting. Workout or night out - we are saying something. We are giving into the way we feel about ourselves, the universe around us, and our role in it. The great new is that we have this power. We have this power to wake up every day and make choices. A lot of them. From the first foot we plant on the ground - where are we coming from? A place with an endless to-do list or a place of service to others for the day. When challenge stares us square in the face - do we choose to listen, understand, and learn something new? Or do we choose to resist and try to just get past it. Choose - make the CHOICE to choose wisely. Each and every day. Each and every act, thought, word, and feeling. The choices we make decide the path for our lives. And we are the ones living on that path, aren't we? So choose wisely.
- AM