- Breakthrough - this happened very early on at the start of training, in chair pose. I have always been resistant to this pose and dreading it until 2 'ah-ha!' moments occurred for me. First, I learned that I am too flexible in my knees (this is not a good thing - thanks ski racing!) and when I just stood up a little bit in my stance, this pose was so much more manageable in my body. Second, is leaning into panic. I was in gorilla pose (hands under feet, knees bend, torso over) and 1 of the instructors gave me an adjustment there that held me in this pose, deep…for a while. The usual panic of discomfort, fear, mixed with a splash of anger came on - but I wasn't going anywhere. And so at the moment I decided - to lean into the: fear, doubt, anxiety. This is where the magic happens - the change, the breakthrough. And when I released damn did it feel good - but I felt completely different. Like I had proven to myself that I could do this, and so much else.
- Leaving the comfort zone - this rocked. A few weeks ago we all had to teach part of the class to our classmates. Yes, I know the series seems easy. But from expert on your mat, one becomes unable to speak English in front of the class. I knew this was the only chance I would have to just run with it (clueless of what poses came next, what my first name was, and how the hell was it already my turn?). I went up there and just rocked it. I think I may have blacked out mid-way, and by rocked it I mean got through it. I am still alive, no one died from crow pose in the making, and I remember my name again! Seriously though - literally forcing myself outside of my comfort zone was the best feeling once I got through it. And living in this space ever since hasn't been so bad either. I've gotten the chance to learn about myself, others, and new things in life I had never experienced before. How wonderful is that?
- Igniting energy - this was one of the coolest experiences I've had yet to date. The other night our instructors ran us through the series (1 full hour class) - lights off, candles on, no English (I sense a common theme here :)), no cues (ex. "move your leg to the top of the mat"), just Sanskrit (you know that super easy ancient Hindu language, 1 of the 22 official languages of India). Oh and PS - we had to repeat the Sanskrit back for each pose. I was hot, sweaty, sore, and full thanks to a 5 minute stuff-your-face-quickly dinner. Once we got going - my mind was blown. My normal monkey mind completely suspended on its own, I could feel every pose deep into my body, and the Sanskrit just rolled off of our tongues. The energy we shared in the room was something that I can't properly put into words - but I was shaken from the inside out. After that, I had such clarify in my mind, a softness to my body, and a connection with all of my fellow classmates. This was truly a once in a lifetime experience.
That's all for now! I'll be back with more soon :) xoxo
- AM