Monday, July 20, 2015

Yogi 1/2 way check-in!

Hello out there! My classmates and I are officially half way through our yoga teacher training and WOW has it been a wild ride! You've likely not seen me around because my entire being has become consumed with training: taking class, practice teaching class, lectures, journaling, essay writing, reading, strength training, and eating + sleeping a lot more. I never imaged this journey would be as amazingly life changing and fully eye-opening as it is. And all I want is…more! In fact, I signed up for more - and will be extending my training through October to refine, improve, and keep on moving forward. Here are a few key highlights of the journey I am so grateful for thus far:

  1. Breakthrough - this happened very early on at the start of training, in chair pose. I have always been resistant to this pose and dreading it until 2 'ah-ha!' moments occurred for me. First, I learned that I am too flexible in my knees (this is not a good thing - thanks ski racing!) and when I just stood up a little bit in my stance, this pose was so much more manageable in my body. Second, is leaning into panic. I was in gorilla pose (hands under feet, knees bend, torso over) and 1 of the instructors gave me an adjustment there that held me in this pose, deep…for a while. The usual panic of discomfort, fear, mixed with a splash of anger came on - but I wasn't going anywhere. And so at the moment I decided - to lean into the: fear, doubt, anxiety. This is where the magic happens - the change, the breakthrough. And when I released damn did it feel good - but I felt completely different. Like I had proven to myself that I could do this, and so much else.
  2. Leaving the comfort zone - this rocked. A few weeks ago we all had to teach part of the class to our classmates. Yes, I know the series seems easy. But from expert on your mat, one becomes unable to speak English in front of the class. I knew this was the only chance I would have to just run with it (clueless of what poses came next, what my first name was, and how the hell was it already my turn?). I went up there and just rocked it. I think I may have blacked out mid-way, and by rocked it I mean got through it. I am still alive, no one died from crow pose in the making, and I remember my name again! Seriously though - literally forcing myself outside of my comfort zone was the best feeling once I got through it. And living in this space ever since hasn't been so bad either. I've gotten the chance to learn about myself, others, and new things in life I had never experienced before. How wonderful is that?
  3. Igniting energy - this was one of the coolest experiences I've had yet to date. The other night our instructors ran us through the series (1 full hour class) - lights off, candles on, no English (I sense a common theme here :)), no cues (ex. "move your leg to the top of the mat"), just Sanskrit (you know that super easy ancient Hindu language, 1 of the 22 official languages of India). Oh and PS - we had to repeat the Sanskrit back for each pose. I was hot, sweaty, sore, and full thanks to a 5 minute stuff-your-face-quickly dinner. Once we got going - my mind was blown. My normal monkey mind completely suspended on its own, I could feel every pose deep into my body, and the Sanskrit just rolled off of our tongues. The energy we shared in the room was something that I can't properly put into words - but I was shaken from the inside out. After that, I had such clarify in my mind, a softness to my body, and a connection with all of my fellow classmates. This was truly a once in a lifetime experience.
That's all for now! I'll be back with more soon :) xoxo
- AM

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

From Farmville to Dirt– Tips on How I started my 1st Hipster Veggie Garden!

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Plant Plants
Sounds obvious, right? Wrong – if you chose to go down the daring path of seeds, I promise you will 99% likely be disappointed. Unless you’re planting kale or something else that greats like a weed, the seeds take forever to take with more often than not - little to no success (depending upon your area). Starting with plants gets you started with something green that already has some success, and it looks like you’ve actually done something when you’re done planting for the day.

The Associates at Home Depot are your new Best Friends
Without these guys, I would have literally tried to plant pickles in the sand. Whether it’s Home Depot, Lowes, or your local gardening center - find someone working in the plant section, tell them what your plans are and ask them tons of questions about everything. Want to plant tomatoes? Ask the friendly associate of the fine establishment if they think they’ll take in December in New York. Not sure what tools, soil, food, wire, gloves to use? These guys have all the answers.

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Early Bird Gets the Worm
If you’re going to be a gardener, I’ve learned that the earlier is always the better. When first planting, you’re going to want to do it early. I am talking hitting up Home Depot at 7AM on Sunday and being done planting by 10AM. Why you ask? This was shocking news to me – did you know that if you water anytime between 2 hours after sunrise and sunset (so pretty much all day) that the reflection of the sun onto the water burns the plants?? You don’t want to hurt your new little babies. Same goes for continuing to water – morning is most definitely the best time. Though you can do it after sunset (beware of mold…and creepy crawlers you can’t see, ekk!).

Be Patient
This is a virtue I find difficult in most facets of life so in gardening (something I am completely new to) it was even harder for me. I would love to literally sit out there and watch the process of photosynthesis occur before my eyes – but then I might loose it, and get a sunburn (positive?). Seriously, most veggie plants take 60-80 days from the day of planting to produce its first harvest. That means you might not see a pepper or squash for over 2 months after planting. It’s OK – these little guys are just putting down roots – I promise you’ll be able to make your famous ratatouille in no time!

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Consistency in Care
Gardens are look babies (maybe more like dogs? We are getting there) – they need consistent care. You can’t just decide to plant one Sunday and then leave your little buddies high and dry as you head out to Coachella for the long weekend. In the beginning (at least on the west coast) they need a lot of water. Remember, you are introducing these plants to their new environment and trying to get them to stick there. Once the watering dies down (again – definitely regional but I went from watering once a day for 2 weeks to every 2 days now), you’ll have to start worry about things like: keeping the buggies away with some special organic spray, pulling weeds, turning the soil so it doesn’t rot or turn into clay, and getting rid of dead leaves and branches. As you care for your plants be sure to observe – not all plants are created equal and some require more/less love than others. For example, I need to trim my herbs all the time and keep them out of full sun whereas the zucchini plants grow like a weed with little to no issues.

Start Easy and Local
I know you want to be the next Farm to Table phenomenon but start easy and start local. Meaning, chose plants that have a higher chance of producing harvest and don’t require a crazy amount of maintenance to do so (kumquats, anybody?). Also chose plants that will do well in your area. On the east coast it might be onions and potatoes but on the west coast it might be peppers and squash. Seeing your first harvest will get your confidence up while you learn the ropes of gardening – you can do this!! I promise, when you pull that first harvest and cook a meal fully with veggies and herbs from your garden it will be all worth it. The joy from taking care of something that can yield food so fresh and delicious right from your backyard has completely changed my perception of gardening – and now I’m hooked. J

- AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Yogi Journey – Here we go!

Hello All! I am so excited to share with you that I will be embarking on my Yoga teacher training journey starting: TODAY! Thoughts that have been running through my mind: “holy crap - what was I thinking, how do I pronounce ‘namaste,’ my headstand is really off point, 200 hours, really??” Either way – I am diving in head first, and I am going to use my blog as a journal of my experiences along the way. I will still post in between here and there my thoughts, recipes, and adventures not related to yoga – but wanted to start by sharing my first yogi assignment (below)! In all seriousness, I am so grateful for this opportunity and hopeful that my experience and teachings can help people on and off the mat for years to come. :)

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What is Yoga?
Yoga is a 1-hour spa treatment for the mind, body, and soul. The steam heat warms you from the inside out as it makes its way from your core to beads of sweat on your skin. This silence combined with soft music eases your mind as you recline back into child’s pose – eyes closed, mind clearing. As you breath deeply – in and out, the worries and to-do lists of your day somehow just seem to melt away. As you move through each pose your body is challenged, your muscles are stretched, and even certain emotions arise as you open your heart throughout class. You finally make it to shivasana – your work is complete. You are refresh, made anew, and ready to face the world again with a new perspective. 

Why do I practice?
To me, Yoga means PEACE. Literally – PEACE, PEACE, and more PEACE. When I stepped on my mat for the first time I hated yoga – I just didn’t get it. Fast forward 2 years ago when I stepped on my mat again for the first time in San Diego at a C1 class in La Jolla and my world was transformed. For one hour, the mind chatter ended and I could just focus on being. When I left that class I felt lighter, less stressed, and you guessed it – more at peace. I realized I had struck gold and that I needed to take yoga as often as possible and bring as many friends to class with me as I could. I had a great secret I needed to share and wanted everyone to have the opportunity to experience what I did on my mat that day and every day since. 

Namaste ;)
- AM

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Things that make me HAPPY

Hiiii out there! Just going to jump right into it here - today is the 11 year anniversary of my mom's passing. A somber day yes I know - but why does it have to be now? Please don't take this as insensitive by any means; just my reflection of my grief at this point in life. The older I've gotten the more I've begun to realize death is unavoidable. Yes, that may be obvious to some - but as it starts to happen around you (more frequently as the years go by) you start to gain a different perspective. For me, the main take away has been living out that person's spirit. I try to put myself in my Mom's shoes - what would she really want for me in my life? How would she want me to live today? She actually shared this with me once (unknowingly) that at her funeral she wanted kazoos instead of tears. You heard me right folks, kazoos. She didn't want anyone being sad over her, but rather to celebrate her life and her spirit - with bad music. I try my darndest to live this out every day (minus the kazoos) - so in special honor of her today, I made a list of things that make me happy.

Things that make me HAPPY (you know I love lists):
  1. Bahamian music
  2. Salsa dancing
  3. Sand in between my toes
  4. Sunshine beating down on my shoulders
  5. Finding an awesome deal
  6. Getting dolled up and fancy
  7. A delicious glass of wine
  8. A warm blanket
  9. Visiting with a friend
  10. Feeling sexy
  11. A sweaty work-out
  12. Making a fresh meal from scratch
  13. Tending to my garden
  14. Spontaneous adventures
  15. Writing 
All of us deserve to be happy - most of the time, not just some of the time. This year, in remembrance of my Mom and all of the people that were too good to leave us too soon - I am remembering all the things that make me happy - and doing them ASAP. Because that's how she would have wanted it - and that's how she was and always will be in my heart. :)

- AM

Monday, June 8, 2015

Homemade Granola!

Good Morning and Happy Monday all!! Looking for a tasty breakfast treat that will last you all week (and beyond)? Look no further - homemade granola recipe below. For breakfast I'll usually do 1/4-1/2 cup of this yummy stuff with some almond milk and a banana, greek yogurt, or coconut ice cream if you're really feeling daring. :)

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Homemade Granola

Time: 1.5 hours   Servings: 10
  • 3 1/2 cups rolled oats (use old fashioned, NOT quick oats)
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1 cup chopped pecans
  • 1 cup dried cranberries or raisins 
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons grassfed butter or Earth Balance
  • 4 tablespoons raw, virgin coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • Preheat over to 250 degrees. Line large, rimmed baking sheet with tinfoil and spray with coconut oil cooking spray.
  • Mix oats, nuts, dried fruit, salt and spices together in large mixing bowl (using a KitchenAid makes this a breeze).
  • Mix butter, coconut oil and honey in small saucepan – heat until butter and coconut oil melt. Add vanilla extract.
  • Poor hot liquid over dry ingredients. Stir until combined well.
  • Spread granola onto baking sheet into one even layer.
  • Cook for 70 minutes.
  • Remove from oven, and allow to cook completely before breaking into chunks. Granola will harden as it cools.
Enjoy!! xoxo - AM

Monday, June 1, 2015

Woah, we are 1/2 way through 2015!!

Hello Sweet World,

How goes it? I woke up with morning realizing, "holy crap - we are already 6 months into this year!" Before you know it, chubby Santa's going to be heading down the chimney (semi Christmas shopping panic). Anyways, that made me think now is the perfect time for a little self assessment - give it a shot! It works for me - of course it may not be for everyone. I love list, so here goes:

  1. Yoga - last year, incorporating my practice into daily life was a New Years resolution. This year, I am starting freaking yoga teacher training in 2 weeks!!! I figured we would start off on a good one. My goal over the next 10 weeks is to be a sponge for knowledge, change, and wellness. My goal before the end of the year is to teach my first class on base (freaking out...NAMASTE)!!!!
  2. Open a business - I would say I gave this the best shot I have ever towards the beginning of this year. Then tragedy struck in our community and my focus and priorities shifted. I realized - why am I so hell-bent on this goal? What if it's not for me? Why do I have the limiting belief that I will only consider myself successful if I have a business if I tried it and didn't even really like it? I am a firm believer in that everything happens for a reason and I SWEAR that this terrible tragedy opened my life up to a world of shift in my heart.
  3. More on that shift - I'm not ready to publicly share what I feel this shift is - but my goal over the next 6 months is to not let go of that pull in my heart. Pay attention to it, dig deeper in how I can really make this shift in my life (hint: it involves a career and helping others, shocker), and have the confidence to step into what I know in my heart is right. Oh and another mental note - stop FEAR in its tracks. Just because we may try and "fail" (is it really failing if it wasn't right for us all along?) doesn't mean that we should hold ourselves back in our minds from trying something new and being worthy of ACHIEVING.
  4. Get with it woman - so little old me (Girl in the Healthy City) has slightly derailed from the healthy train. Yes, this is normal. Yes, it's OK. However, I KNOW I feel much better when I am on the track. There are many excuses I can think of as to why I've derailed: we got married 6 months ago and we've been celebrating ever since, food tastes yummy, wine is fuzzy, I like sweets. OK- that was really honest. However, I also know I have been hiding behind my food - so, quinoa, veggies, lets do this. My goal over the next 6 months is to eat what makes my body feel good. Even if that's a glass of wine on a Tuesday night (in moderation) - I want to only fill my body with nourishing, good, clean, living food that will make me thrive. I want to eat more of the good stuff (meat, even carbs!) and less of the bad stuff (no drinking in excess, no sweets in excess). 
  5. Spending the dough - whether it's on fancy trips, fancy bags, or just the chance to spend time with friends/family across the country - this one won't ever go away. And quite frankly, I think as a newly married couple we are doing great here. I know it's so easy to get pulled into every which way and I know that it is sometimes unavoidable. However, with my hubby taking an extended business trip next year - I want our goal over the next 6 months to focus on spending $$s that will result in time with loved ones and making memories with each other. So, almost thinking of this as a criteria check-list when considering a trip/purchase: will it mean a lot to the person we are traveling to, how can we make this the best memory for us to share together, how can we be most present in the experience together? 
I hope my little list inspired you all to maybe take a step back and consider what you have coming up in the next 6 months? What are you looking to give in the coming months? What is something you committed yourself to this year but haven't done yet? Maybe your goals need same changing since there has been a shift in your life? Clear your mind,  free your inner judgement - and go for it!! Life's too short not to - and too sweet to leave that last cookie on the plate ;)

xoxo - AM (that's right, I am Mrs. Mays now, wahooo!!!)