I have another post currently in the works but need to give it more time in the cooker- it covers some great experiences I had last weekend and will be up shortly :) Until that time, I had to get a quick note out that has been on my mind all week: WWUD- "What Would You Do?" Earlier, and probably on more than 1 occasion, I have discussed the ever-present battle between doing the 'right thing' and the reaction it may cause. This is something that me and I am sure many other people struggle with because doing what you believe to be the 'right thing' does not always lend itself to a favorable response from those around you (and I am not even getting into the discussion of what the hell is actually the right thing). There have been many situations where I thought I did the honest good deed and found that I not only was getting slack for it but that I did not receive the same treatment in return. Either way, I have made a point to keep pushing forward and try to do good no matter the situation (I know I am a human and I am not perfect but I try pretty damn hard day in and day out). This week- I had a HOLY CRAP moment. Months ago, I did something for a friend that was not asked of me but I knew was right. When a similar situation arose, this friend did NOT act as I did and instead reaped their own benefits from the circumstances. Confused and disappointed, I moved on still knowing what I did was right. But I always wondered why this situation happened and what it all meant. This week, that same friend, did something nice for someone else (a complete stranger) without being asked to do so. In fact, the option was available to this friend to reap their own benefits from the situation, but they instead 'paid it forward.' I finally realized the result of my good deed- in enabled my friend to pass along a good deed to someone else. So no matter what the situation, or what the plausible outcome may be- try to keep pressing forward. Days, months, or years down the line you will see how your actions may positively affect another's and in-turn offer something great for a person you may not even know! Consider this: every time you think no one is watching or listening, they are. And imagine if one of those people is a young, impressionable person who views you as their mentor. Would you want to be the reason they thought it was OK to not care about others? Whatever you do, do it with all your heart :)
xoxo AA
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
What makes the World go Round
Life has been happening to say the least. In the midst of it all, there were many ideas that I wanted to share but did not have the time to get written down! At any rate, the past few weeks have not only been great but also reminded me of an invaluable lesson I learned at a fairly young age. A quick recap of the 4 things that fueled the fire behind this post: 1st- I am starting to realize how we rely far too heavily (myself included) on technology so much so that I am beginning to wonder if we form actual relationships with devices- I work for a technology magazine and I am saying this (I will explain) 2nd- I realized that great relationships can actually become even better as you get to know someone on a totally different level (maybe one you didn't want to share because let's be honest, we can't all be perfect all the time) 3rd- family coming together again over a mini crisis (everyone is OK thank goodness), is that the only way we bond? 4th- success in sales? Yes you heard right- after months of my ridiculous antics and hundreds of voice messages, emails, and Starbucks drop-offs, I have finally started to see some business come in. After letting ALL of this process I FINALLY realized DUH the common theme here is relationships- and that they were at the center of what was really going on here. With each experience I described above, the glue- the defining character was the relationship. To break it down- (1) Technology: we all rely on it so much because it is the only way our generation has inherently LEARNED how to stay connected to others. It's not the actual phone that we have grown attached to, no matter how cool the apps or how fly the case, it's the power this device holds. It makes or breaks our communications with the ones we love, the ones we hate, and the ones we just can't seem to get rid of. (2) Great relationships: I am essentially that girl who attempts to come as close to being perfect day and in day out. Getting the stomach flu certainly does not fall into the line of perfection and is personally not a state I even want to see myself in. But it some odd way, showing a peak into my humanity, and seeing that of another- can actually bring you closer to someone. As much as I will continue to strive to be my best, I am grateful for my uncontrollable moment of weakness as it allowed me to realize this man loves me even at my lowest of lows. (3) Family crisis: yes folks, we are here again- and this lesson I just can't get enough of (my life motto if you will)- "Live everyday like it's your last." Time and time again I am appreciative of God theoretically shaking me and saying "pay attention because you don't realize how quickly it can all be taken away." You begin to remember that your relationships with family, the people you don't choose but are given, become all the more precious and cherished when you realize they have the possibly of not existing forever. (4) Professional success: for all the attempts at communicating with client with not even a hello, email, or phone call back- for all of the lunches and happy hours I sat across the table from people who quite frankly just didn't care- I never changed who I was. And for that, I won business- and I won business with people who respected me and that I hadn't given up on- people who I hope to consider my real friends in the future because they are willing to listen and I can finally hear their needs. So in the end- relationships in ALL facets of life play such an integral part in our existence as humans. They are something that I rely on not only for love and happiness, but for life lessons and professional gratification. Just realize that every interaction you have with those around you can ultimately effect the outcome of your circumstances today, tomorrow, or 10 years from now. But it is continually staying true to yourself that will ultimately allow you to reap the benefits of your relationships- especially the most important 1- the 1 with yourself :)
xoxo AA
xoxo AA
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Strong like Bull
What determines strength? This is a concept I have been wrestling with this week and am on the journey to figuring it out; hopefully writing this helps. The dictionary definition states that "it is the quality of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor." Besides about 5 problems I have with that statement, I am still not getting any sort of ramifications for a clear measurement of strength from that sentence. Addressing the physical 1st, how does one know if they are in fact strong if they try with all their might but just aren't able to accomplish the same physical tasks as others? I understand of course that the body structure of most men genetically makes them stronger than woman. But even then, woman to woman or man to man, how is it that some of us can train our hearts out and still not achieve what others can? That makes me think of one my grandmother's favorite quotes by Oscar Wilde- "Be yourself because everyone else is already taken." Fair point...moving on to mental strength. Essentially I think most of us know whether or not we got it. Mental strength of course does not present itself or allow its powers to work in all situations, but for the most part it seems that if you have a good head on your shoulders, you are able to rise above the chaos, learn from the grief, and just grin and bear it. But think about that for a second- are the people who we perceive to be most strong just ignoring the emotional pink elephant in the room? Do be considered mentally tough do you have to train yourself to rid your mind of everyone else's emotions (and even your own) to at least come across like you don't care? I sometimes wonder if it is the people that we think are most strong who are the ones that are crying out for help inside- wishing that they could just put down their armor for one moment to reveal their worries and fears inside. In some situations, it almost seems easier to just push forward, keep mowing on so at least your loved ones around you can look to YOU as a rock for support. After hashing all of this out in writing I've realized 2 things. 1- fine some people's bodies are just genetically stronger than others and that we all have a purpose of being here; no 2 people are alike in that sense for a reason. 2- if you are perceived as mentally strong (and I am now speaking from experience here) it is OK to recognize what you are experiencing inside sometimes. It makes you that much stronger of a person to be able to recognize that maybe something is wrong or that you can't always have a plan mapped out for every moment. Like most of my conclusions- it's all about faith for me. The more faith you have in the ones you love and/or whatever God you believe in- the more positive energy you put out there, the more people you help- the more you will be putting good vibes into the universe. All of which can only attract good things- and the bad things, well those will only help make us stronger :)
xoxo AA
xoxo AA
Monday, March 5, 2012
Luck be a Lady
Well folks, I'm back. If you are wondering where I've been...last week was my birthday! I know that sounds like an odd phrase, but it's true. Due to the fact that I was born on Leap Year (yes, February 29th is my actual birthday, no matter what Facebook tells you), the celebration tends to extend past one day, and in many case straight on through to the weekend. Excited as ever to turn a whole 6 years old, I knew it was going to be a good one. But clearly I was unaware of how great it was going to be! This post is dedicated to all of my friends and family that genuinely made my birthday this year the best I've ever had. To many, it is the gifts that they look forward to or maybe even the cake (that dairy free gluten free cupcake was pretty damn good ;)) but to me, it is being around the people I love that matters most to me. To name a few places, last week I got the opportunity to enjoy some good ole' Southern comfort food at Neely's BBQ parlor, la pizza Italiana molta bellissima at Eatly, and some savory Cubano food at Candela Candela. Between all of the drinks and delicious meals, there was good conversation and just straight up love around the table. Beyond the love and laughter, I was even more grateful for the cards. As a child, you always leave these behind and go straight for the loot, ripping away at the wrapping paper to see the glorious gift that hides behind. But as I get older, I find that the cards are now my favorite part. From the sweet notes and compliments, to continued support and love from friends and family- I will cherish these little over-priced Hallmark beauties far beyond the life span of any of the gifts I received. And then there were the surprises- which I love and can never understand why people don't. Not only was I lucky to have my man in uniform up in the big city, but I was surrounded by all of my closest friends at dinner- and an extra special college buddy that hopped on a bus all the way from DC just to come out to dinner. I feel so blessed to have all of you in my life so if you are reading this I just wanted to say thank you for giving me such a wonderful birthday. I am going to have to get my tush over to Pinterest because your birthdays are going to be so over-planned and elaborate you will never want to throw me another party for fear of me thanking you with your own bday celebration. ;)
xoxo AA
xoxo AA
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